My home doesn’t smell right at Thanksgiving unless Nana’s stuffing is roasting inside the turkey in my oven. I love to open the kitchen door and walk into that wonderful aroma. This recipe takes a little preparation but it is so worth it. The secret to this recipe lies in using very hard bread (bread crumbs won’t work) and dipping the hard hard bread into very hot water. The bread takes three days to dry. Keep turning it over. Don’t dry it in your oven because it won’t work.
- 2 loaves white bread, dried (very hard)
- ½ cup butter
- 2 medium onions, diced
- 3 stalks celery, chopped
- 2 tsp. poultry seasoning
- 2 tsp. summer savory
- 4 large cloves garlic crushed
- 1 ½ tsp. salt
- Fill your kitchen sink with 4 in. of very hot water
- dip each slice of bread in the hot water, one at a time; immediately wring it out and place in a large bowl
- break it up into bite-sized pieces; do this for every slice of the two loaves
- melt butter in large frying pan and slowly saute celery, onion and garlic
- add savory, poultry seasoning and salt over the the bread bowl
- add onions, celery, garlic and butter to the bread bowl
- mix together well using your hands (do this for several minutes); work it well as you are creating texture
- taste it - does it need more salt? savory? butter? Adjust to taste.
- if you want to add other items such as sausage, apples, nuts, etc. go ahead
- place the stuffing in the bird’s cavity as well as rump end.
Enjoy the taste and texture of this delicious stuffing.